Ruqyah appointment booking system
Before taking a ruqyah appointment, you have to contact admin through the above Whats App number and ask them about the blank schedule, then fill up this form. After filling out this form, you have to contract with admin through Whats App at +8801770602542.
After taking Appointment , you have to send your Name, address and mobile number and alternative mobile number to whats app and contract with admin.
এপয়েন্টমেন্ট নেওয়ার পর নাম ঠিকানা ও মোবাইল নাম্বার লিখে নীচের নাম্বারে পাঠাতে হবে।
+8801770602542 whats app
Ad Dua Ruqyah Center,Dhaka.

Before taking a ruqyah appointment, you have to contact admin through the above WhatsApp number and ask them about the blank schedule, then fill out this form.
After filling out this form, you have to contract with admin through WhatsApp at +8801770602542.