Raqi / Ruqyah Centre /Ruqyah Center/Ruqyah/Ruqya
Directed by,
Hafez Mohammad Dip ibn Amzad / Mohammad Hasan ibne Ohab
Aad Dua Hijama and Ruqyah Center, Dhaka.
People are cheated by spending tons of rupees by going to magicians called tantrics, kaviraj, vaidia, khana on the streets of our society’s neighborhoods. Some of them are affected by their black magic. In order to protect people’s faith, he has studied ruqyah for many years. My team members research proven systems to destroy magic by the grace of Allah and follow the same systems. serve people in hibernation
I have been researching Ruqyah for a long time for the purpose of protecting people’s faith.
Researching some proven system to destroy magic by the grace of Allah, my team members follow the same system.
I am engaged in the service of people by serving Cupping Therapy(Hijama). I have taken hijama training from doctors and experienced hijama therapists. In addition to my own research, I have learned a lot from many raqi brothers like ustad Tim humble and Khalid al Hibshi,reading books, watching videos of external Rqir. Basically I provide ruqiyah and hijama services for OCD dsease, Evil Eye, magic and jinn and other physical and mental problem.
By the grace of Allah, many people have recovered from the problems caused by OCD, Evil Eyes , witchcraft and jinn and many patients have benefited from Ruqiyah and Hijama services. Alhamdulillah. We care, Allah cure.
Our team members ........................................ 1. Hafez Mohammad Dipu Ibn Amjad(khil khet, Dhaka) Hijama Specialist and Raqi. Former Student, Darul Uloom Madania, Jatrabari. Dhaka Hijama Therapist and Raqi 3. Rehana Kabir Mayukshi, (Lalmatia) 2.Farhana jahan(Narayanganj) Female Hijama Therapist, Dhaka. 4. Doctor Saqib Al Hasan (Sakib), Diploma, Medical, Hijama Therapist, Mirpur Area, Dhaka North. 5. Fahad Hossain, Hijama Therapist, Dhaka South. My organization's page name is Ad-Dua Ruqyah center, Dhaka.
Website :ruqyahsupport.com Location of our Ruqyah Center / Chamber: Matuail signboard area, infront tamirul millat mohila madrasha. Near jatrabari, Dhaka.Center 2: khilkhet,Dhaka. Online Service For Foreigners Ad Dua Hijama & Ruqyah centre, Dhaka. . Office phone number. +8801770-602542 Team members can provide home service, call to know the fee/cost. +8801770602542This is our Contact number for advice/help (just call/message between 3pm to 9pm <6+GMT>. direct or whatsapp)